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Home > School of Nursing > Clinical Compliance > Fit Test > What do I do if I did not pass the OSHA Medical Questionnaire?
What do I do if I did not pass the OSHA Medical Questionnaire?
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I did not pass the OSHA Medical Questionnaire. What are my options?

  • A: The OSHA medical questionnaire is designed to ensure that the person completing the fit test is physically capable of completing the respiratory fit test process. If you answered "yes" to any of the questions, you will be directed to show clearance from a medical professional. Clearance can be in the form of an email, a note, or another document that says the name of the medical professional, that they have evaluated your answers, and they have cleared you to complete the N95 mask fit testing process. Email the clearance to [email protected]. Please do not email personal information.

  • A: If you feel you answered a question incorrectly, you can complete the form again by clicking on the Fit Test Medical Questionnaire link above.

  • A: The SON is only one of many options for where you can receive a mask fitting. You are not required to complete the fit test with the SON.

How do I obtain clearance? Where do I send it?

  • A: At this time, there is not a form available. We will provide one shortly. In the meantime, once you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a PDF copy of your answers. We recommend that you share this PDF with the medical professional and ask for a written note that states the medical professional name, location, phone #, and that they have evaluated your answers and cleared you to complete the N95 Fit Test Process. Once you have received clearance, please email the document to [email protected]. No personal medical information should be shared during this process. You will then receive access to the schedule

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