Any APU employee may send an email to all SON employees and College of Nursing and Health Sciences in one of the following groups: Staff, Active Adjuncts, and/or Full Time Faculty. The following email addresses are managed by the Office of the Dean.
School of Nursing: Staff <[email protected]>
SON Adjunct Faculty <[email protected]>
SON Full Time Faculty <[email protected]>
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Full Time Faculty: <college-of-nursing-health-science-full-time-faculty-ugroup@apu.edu>
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Adjunct Time Faculty: <[email protected]>
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Staff: <[email protected]>
Compose an email using your APU email account.
Utilize professionalism within the writing and branding.
In the recipient (to:) section, add the appropriate uGroup email address:
[email protected] or type and search for School of Nursing: Staff
[email protected] or type and search for SON Adjunct Faculty
[email protected] or type and search for SON Full Time Faculty
college-of-nursing-health-science-full-time-faculty-ugroup@apu.edu or type and search for College of Nursing and Health Sciences Full Time Faculty
[email protected] or type and search for College of Nursing and Health Sciences Adjunct Time Faculty
[email protected] or type and search for College of Nursing and Health Sciences Staff
After composing the email, press SEND.
The Office of the Dean will screen the email for appropriateness.
If approved, the email will go to the desired recipients.
If denied, you will receive an email stating that your email was declined that may be accompanied by a rationale.
Special Circumstances:
The Director of Operations manages the process.