In 2022, the School of Nursing (SON) leadership announced the Teaching Assignment Management System (TAMS) launch. The following article will introduce you to TAMS, including how to login, etc.
- Introduction to TAMS (Includes Faculty and Administrator Benefits)
- How to Log In
Introduction to TAMS:
The new system allows the SON to improve the management of the faculty workload assignments process. This includes process improvements for faculty engagement, increased clarity of workload expectations, improved data analysis to enhance strategic decisions, and saving resources by decreasing the time spent managing workload.
We chose Duke University's School of Nursing product called the Teaching Assignment Management System (TAMS). The system allows each faculty member to view their teaching assignments in real-time. All changes and updates will be instantly recorded and available to the faculty and administration.
Benefits of TAMS:
Some of the Faculty Benefits: TAMS is an excellent tool for improving relationships between faculty and administration regarding managing the teaching assignment process.
- Engage your supervisor around your preferences
- Increase the accuracy of the teaching assignments
- Improve transparency of workload assignments across the school
Some of the Administrator's Benefits: TAMS displays each course that needs faculty coverage and then produces a list of suggested faculty for the course based upon 1) who taught that course historically, 2) who asked to teach it in this academic period, and 3) who has the available workload. TAMS is an excellent tool for improving relationships between faculty and administration regarding managing the teaching assignment process. TAMS will help the SON to:
- Engage with our faculty by allowing them to provide their availability and preference
- Increase visibility and transparency around workload
- Reduce assignment errors by tracking assignments in real-time
- Automation and reports will reduce administration time
- Identify qualified and available faculty more easily
- Reduce costs associated with hiring faculty
Teaching Preferences
What are teaching preferences? While not a guarantee for an assignment, TAMS allows you to add courses that you prefer to teach for specific semesters along with the teaching mode and the availability that you have for that class. This will help department chairs and program directors know what your preferred schedule is when making assignments. You can follow the instructions below to create these preferences.
(Please note: While this information will be available to department chairs and program directors, this system does not replace direct communication with them. There isn't a direct way to communicate within TAMS between department chairs and program directors. Please contact them directly if you have any questions or concerns.)
How to log In?
How do I create my teaching preferences?
- Please click to watch the following training video.
- Click on My Teaching Preferences on the left hand menu.
- Click the "+" next to the term that you want to add a Teaching Preference
- Select an Assignment Type, then the course that you want to teach for, then the Teaching Mode, and enter your availability and the Campus that you prefer to teach at in the Notes section.
- Click the Save button to save that preference. Added preferences save automatically.
- You can drag and drop the preference in order to reorder your preference.
- If you prefer not to teach in a semester, please select No Teaching for Assignment Type.
- Click the trash can button if you need to delete a preference.
- You do not need to submit your preferences. The preferences added will be saved automatically. If you hit the submit your preferences button, you cannot change them. If you need to change them, please contact [email protected] and we can unlock your preferences so that you can change them again.
Workload Guidelines
I need Help!
- Please email [email protected]