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Home > School of Nursing > Adjunct Faculty Resources > Adjunct Faculty Hiring Process > HR's New Hire Paperwork and I-9 for Adjunct Faculty
HR's New Hire Paperwork and I-9 for Adjunct Faculty
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This article is for applicants going through the hiring process for the role of Adjunct Faculty.

Once the applicant is approved by the SON Associate Dean for hire, the next step is to complete Human Resources (HR) New Hire Paperwork and I-9 documentation. Read the School of Nursing’s Adjunct Faculty Hiring Process. Completing the new hire paperwork and I-9 is the last step to making you an ‘ACTIVE’ adjunct faculty member with APU and the School of Nursing. 

You will receive an email from APU’s HR department with instructions on completing the new hire paperwork. The instructions will also include steps on how to complete the I-9 documentation, which helps to verify identification. 

You can search your email for the terms Redcarpet or Silkroad. If you have questions, please email [email protected] and ask for a status update. 

This process must be completed; however, it does not stop the process of generating and routing your first contract. 

How to use SilkRoad

You should have received an email with a link to SilkRoad along with your initial login credentials. Click on the website and log in.

  • SilkRoad.png
  • Once you log in, click on the Task List to find if you have any Incomplete Tasks. You must complete all tasks that are due in SilkRoad in order to move forward in the hiring process. (Sexual Harassment: Policy and Prevention Training can be completed at a later date) Click on each link to complete the task. You will receive an email when new tasks have been assigned to you. 
  • Incomplete.png
  • Once you have completed all Tasks, your Task List should look like this:TaskList.png


Further Reading:

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